School Board Job Description

The California School Board Association created a white paper on the duties and responsibilities of a school board member. I tried to summarize it below.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Ensure the school district is responsive to the values, beliefs, and priorities of their communities
  • Helping establish a long-term vision as to what students need to achieve their highest potential
  • Employing the superintendent and setting policy for hiring other personnel (e.g. teachers)
  • Overseeing the development, revision, and adoption of bylaws and policies for the school district
  • Setting a direction for and approving the adoption of the curriculum
  • Establishing budget priorities, adopting the budget and LCAP, and overseeing facilities issues
  • Providing direction for and adopting collective bargaining agreements and monitoring progress
  • Acting with a professional demeanor that models the district/county BOE beliefs and vision
  • Making decisions and providing resources that support mutually agreed upon priorities and goals
  • Ensuring a positive personnel climate exists
  • Being knowledgeable enough about district/county educational efforts to explain them to the public
  • Evaluating the superintendent and setting policy for the evaluation of other personnel
  • Serving as a judicial and appeals body
  • Monitoring student achievement and program effectiveness and requiring program changes if indicated
  • Monitoring and adjusting district finances

I went one step further to create a nomination form based on these duties and responsibilities which can be found here.